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Why Education Matters to Health: Exploring the Causes Through an Ed.D. in Health and Human Services

It’s no secret that health and education are deeply interconnected, forming a symbiotic relationship that significantly influences an individual’s life expectancy, academic achievement and overall well-being. This interplay is vital not only for personal development but also for fostering strong, resilient communities.

The recognition of this connection is at the core of the Youngstown State University (YSU) online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) – Educational Leadership – Health and Human Services program. Graduates leave the program with the skills and understanding to propel their careers forward in leadership roles across health and human services as well as education.

The Relationship Between Health and Education

Understanding the relationship between health and education requires recognizing how they influence one another. Health encompasses a wide range of elements, including physical activity, diet, mental health and use of substances such as alcohol and tobacco, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

These factors play significant roles in determining an individual’s ability to learn and succeed academically. The federal agency cites research showing that healthier students tend to perform better in school as they develop better focus and cognitive abilities and achieve higher grades.

Poor health can be a significant barrier to educational attainment. As the Colorado Department of Education reports, students who suffer from chronic illnesses, malnutrition or untreated mental health conditions often struggle to keep up with their peers academically. These issues can reinforce a cycle of underachievement, as children with poor health report lower grades and then continue to worsen due to higher stress over their lack of progress.

On the other hand, education can play a critical role in promoting healthier lifestyles. Educated individuals are more likely to make informed decisions about their health, engage in preventive behaviors and access healthcare services when needed, leading to longer life expectancy and improved quality of life.

An Archives of Public Health article addresses these factors in an analysis of health data from 26 developed countries. Education results in better health and low levels of morbidity, mortality and disability. In comparison, countries with lower levels of educational attainment struggled with worse health outcomes and shorter survival after becoming ill.

How Does Health and Human Services Relate to Education?

Through its programming, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services plays a pivotal role in promoting the health and well-being of U.S. citizens. The department focuses on health equity and addressing social determinants of health, or the non-medical aspects of a person’s health. These include factors like healthcare access and quality, social context, economic stability, the built environment and access to education.

In turn, graduates of YSU’s online Health and Human Services Ed.D. program have the tools to connect the dots between a student’s educational environment and long-term health outcomes. Graduates can accomplish this goal by assessing a school’s health policies using CDC guidelines or promoting school-based physical activity for both students and staff through evidence-based strategies.

Health education is a critical component of the educational experience, providing students with the knowledge and skills to make informed health decisions throughout their lives. School leaders can play a vital role in promoting healthy behaviors that contribute to better not only academic performance but also health outcomes. That’s especially true when it comes to mental health, according to the Health Action Research Group.

Education and health professionals often face students in crisis who need immediate nutritional or medical interventions to improve their health. The Social Emotional Wellness for Wounded Students from a Leadership Perspective course gives students a plethora of strategies and resources to use when a student who has experienced trauma turns to them for help. Graduates are equipped to create a sense of safety for students and direct them toward the resources — educational or otherwise — they need to gain stability in their lives.

Pursue an Educational Leadership Health and Human Services Degree Online With YSU

Programs like the online Health and Human Services Ed.D. at YSU prepare the next generation of leaders to address health challenges facing students and their families. Blending the worlds of education and health, these rising professionals are prepared to address the root causes of poverty and poor health outcomes within the educational environment, regardless of whether they go on to become a superintendent, human resources director or health commissioner.

Learn more about Youngstown State University’s online Doctor of Education – Educational Leadership – Health and Human Services program.

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