Even in an increasingly technology-reliant world, individuals with quality graphic design skills are indispensable for businesses across a range of industries. Digital and print-based publications can benefit from employing graphic designers who can leverage both mediums for maximum success.
That is why the graphic designers of tomorrow must learn the differences between print and digital publication and gain essential skills and approaches for both. A graphic designer with a solid foundation can address client needs for digital media, print media and branding materials alike. The online Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Graphic and Interactive Design program from Youngstown State University (YSU) gives students the tools to cultivate creativity and the technological insights to succeed in a variety of fields.
The Importance of Graphic Design
As ArtVersion explains, “Visual communication is pervasive in our daily lives. From the moment we wake up and check our phones to the time we wind down at night, we are constantly inundated with visuals: digital displays, product packaging, signage, television, and more.” This influx of images influences the way we think, feel and, ultimately, behave. That is why advertising is a massive industry involving people of many different skill sets and employed by virtually every business to increase sales and notoriety. According to ArtVersion, these images we see daily “serve as a means of communication, designed to catch our attention, inform us, persuade us, or evoke emotions within us.”
Graphic design and the importance of visual communication are not recent by any means. People have used images to communicate for centuries, even before the written word existed. However, visual communication has evolved and exploded in our media-heavy world.
While this might sound overwhelming to some, it is an exciting development for artists and those who employ artists to market their businesses. There are more opportunities than ever to make a good impression on new clients and plan the visual design of a business. As a result, graphic designers are increasingly sought after for creating work that stands out in this visually saturated environment.
Graphic Design and Business
Writing for Duck.Design, Pamela Ullman explains that graphic design “can make or break a potential client or customer’s wish to get to know your business more.” Ullman speaks to the importance of first impressions. Visual communication is a huge part of this in a world where people are more likely to Google a business or look it up on Instagram than ring up on the phone or visit in person.
Effective graphic design can attract a client and create a lifelong connection. It is an essential part of conveying what a business is about and demonstrating a high level of professionalism, which garners trust.
Adapting Print Design Principles for Digital Platforms
One challenge for today’s graphic designers is how to respond to the need for many different types of visual media for various platforms. The term “platforms” often refers to social media platforms — such as Instagram, X, Facebook and LinkedIn. However, a platform can also be a website, an email marketing hub or even assorted types of print media like magazines, fliers, postcards and brochures.
So, how do graphic designers tackle adapting designs for so many different platforms? Pixelixe offers a guide explaining the differences in many popular platforms. Some key things to remember when adapting designs are resolution, sizing and aspect ratios. Different social media platforms typically use different “crops” to show visual information, so the same design needs to be formatted to show well on each platform.
On the other hand, print media uses a different color mode (CMYK) and higher resolution, measured in DPI. Designers must know about specialized elements like pagination, bleeds and color accuracy to produce high-quality print media.
Studying Graphic and Interactive Design: Earn Your BFA Online at YSU
A BFA can be a vital pathway to learning and eventually mastering these principles. For example, YSU’s online BFA in Graphic and Interactive Design program covers a breadth of topics necessary for serious graphic designers.
In this program, courses like Publication Design and Print Design 1 and 2 offer foundational knowledge that benefits graduates when they work with their own clients to tackle ambitious briefs and bring their visual communications into the world. With these insights, graduates can pursue roles in graphic design, UX/UI, brand identity, motion graphics and other areas.
Learn more about YSU’s online Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic and Interactive Design program.