Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our undergraduate online program.


While reviewing our online undergraduate programs, you may have some questions. The links below provide many answers. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please don’t hesitate to call or email us.

Financial aid is handled through the YSU Financial Aid office, and they can be reached at 330-941-3505 or [email protected]. To be eligible for aid, a student has to have at least six hours in any given semester; i.e. if a student takes one 3-hour course in each of Spring 1 and Spring 2 terms, they will have a total of six hours OR if taking courses starting in Spring 2, a student will need two 3-hour courses to equal six hours in the Spring semester. If a student has financial aid, it is up to the student to be sure that aid is applied and tuition is paid.
Blackboard orientation is included in the Centofanti School of Nursing orientation class and in each online class. During NURS 3725 Nursing Informatics, the first required nursing course, practice assignments in utilizing Blackboard Ultra will also be included in the course. The template layout setup of additional courses and implementation in the program should be similar in all online classes.
When you are admitted and begin your first class in the program you will automatically be enrolled in the Centofanti School of Nursing Orientation Blackboard class. You will see this in your Blackboard list of classes and will remain in the course for information about YSU and the specific RN to BSN program until graduation. Module 7 in this orientation section is specific to the Centofanti School of Nursing RN to BSN program and includes the RN to BSN handbook specific to policies and information about this nursing program and a specific practicum and graduation section.
You may request a hospital or health care agency in your area if you are not working. The nursing department can assist you in finding and requesting placement but be aware this will take additional time and should be requested at least two 7-week terms before registering for Senior Capstone when practicum hours are required. You may discuss concerns on placement and practicum learning environment selection with the RN to BSN Coordinator for potential sites and appropriate roles for the selection of your preceptor nurses.
Yes, we recommend that you do your practicum learning where you work. Students should choose a nurse in a leadership role such as a charge nurse, Assistant Unit Manager/Unit Manager, shift supervisor, etc. You may discuss concerns on placement and practicum learning environment selection with the RN to BSN Coordinator for potential sites and the appropriate selection of a preceptor nurse. A practicum contract and a completed Preceptor Qualification form is required before beginning practicum learning activities. Most employers are supportive of their employees completing this practicum learning requirement. You should check the education department where you work for any specific health or orientation requirements needed while you are a practicum student.
Students identify a practice setting for their practicum learning activities. Permission must be obtained from appropriate people in the organization and a signed YSU contract must be on file for all agencies. Students must contact the Nursing Educator at their specific chosen facility for permission and requirements necessary for practicum learning. As a nursing student, you may be required to obtain health requirements, a criminal background check, drug screening, complete educational requirements/education and/or sign any required forms such as confidentiality agreements beyond those required for you as a present employee. A practicum contract with your precepting facility must be completed before beginning planned learning activities between the practicum agency and YSU. RN to BSN students must submit this information as early as possible to the Student and Clinical Services Coordinator in the YSU nursing office to allow time for the practicum contract to be requested and completed with signatures. The name of the signature authority to sign the contract and their email and other contact information will be needed to complete the practicum contract.
Nursing courses include required practicum hours. Students complete practicum hours in various practicum learning environments within two courses: NURS 4852 Senior Capstone (20 practicum hours) and NURS 4854L Leadership in Nursing (40 practicum hours). The student should register for the corresponding lab when taking NURS 4854 Nursing Leadership. NURS 4852 Senior Capstone and NURS 4854/L Nursing Leadership should be taken during the last two terms and cannot be taken together. Students will work with qualified Preceptors in a leadership role to complete the required 60 total practicum hours.
All students have an individualized curriculum plan, so graduation dates are different for everyone. If all general education/support courses are complete, there are an additional nine nursing courses to take. They could be completed in less than a year depending on your full-time/part-time status. This program is an accelerated program and working nurses are recommended to take courses on a part-time basis.
The list of required books will be on your syllabus. Below are the steps to print your booklist after you have registered. This should be included with classes as you register and contact the Barnes & Noble Bookstore on the YSU campus or order from other textbook sources. How to print your booklist:
  • YSU portal
  • Click on Penguin portal and log in
  • Click on Banner Self-Service
  • Click on Student
  • Click on Registration
  • Select your term, submit
  • Click on Student Summary Schedule and PRINT YOUR BOOKLIST
  • This will take you directly to the Barnes & Noble site and you can order from there or just get the names of your books and buy or rent elsewhere. The YSU Bookstore phone number is 330-318-3331
In your admissions letter from YSU Admissions, it explains how to get into the YSU portal to register for classes each 7 weeks. If you cannot log into the YSU portal, call the Tech Desk at 330-941-1595. For other questions regarding how to register or financial aid, call the Penguin Service Center at 330-941-6000 for help. Once you can log in, you will be able to register for classes. Steps on how to register are on the YSU portal.
You will continually need to refer to your curriculum/advising plan as stated above. You will be able to follow this plan from start to graduation.
After the student survey is completed and returned to the YSU nursing office by email, a detailed curriculum/advising sheet will be sent out by the Clinical and Student Services Coordinator that includes courses completed and courses still needing to be completed. Course sequencing will be on the bottom of this plan outlining when to take needed courses. This Advising/Curriculum Plan should be referred to and kept for registering for courses throughout the RN to BSN Program.
Yes, you may change from full-time (two courses per 7 weeks) to part-time (one course per 7 weeks) or start off part-time and change to full-time if desired. You should notify the nursing office whenever a change is needed. This will change your original curriculum/advising plan and the original planned graduation date.
Yes, you will be given credit up to 39 hours for prior nursing courses from your associate degree or diploma nursing program. Block credit is given for eight non-nursing courses, and this is noted on your individual curriculum/advising sheet. Transfer credit will be given for any coursework taken that has been equated to RN to BSN-required courses after the transcript is reviewed from all colleges attended.
You will receive a welcome letter of acceptance from YSU Admissions asking you to commit and sign a Promise to Pay online. A welcome email will also be sent from the Centofanti School of Nursing signed by the RN-BSN Coordinator. This welcome email will include a survey requesting intention for part-time (one course every 7 weeks) or full-time (two courses every 7 weeks). Once the survey is completed and submitted, the RN-BSN Coordinator will review all official transcripts to determine the courses needed to attain a BSN. Following the transcript review, the Student Services Coordinator will create an individualized curriculum/advising plan and email it to the student. It is up to the student to review the curriculum/advising plan to be sure all transfer courses are accounted for. Students should take the initiative if they believe prior coursework should be reviewed for course credit by contacting the YSU nursing program. Additional information from the student in the form of course descriptions and/or syllabi may be needed, especially those taken at non-regionally accredited programs.
Yes, you may contact Tech Services at 330-941-1595 for technical questions for individual questions and assistance. This contact information is also included in the template of all online classes. The Penguin Service Center at 330-941-6000 is available to students for questions regarding registration, ordering books and general YSU questions.


A plea of guilty to, a finding of guilty by a referee, jury or court of, or conviction” of any of the following felonies or misdemeanors may disqualify an applicant from being admitted to the University:

(1) A felony;

(2) A sexual offense, as defined in chapter 2907 of the revised code

(3) An offense of violence, as defined in section 2901.01(A) (9)(a) of the revised code

(4) A theft offense, as defined in section 2913.01(K)(1) of the revised code

(5) A drug abuse offense, as defined in section 2925.01(G) of the revised code

(6) Substantially comparable conduct to (1) through (5) above, occurring in a jurisdiction outside the state of Ohio.

(7) A student was dismissed from a prior college/university for non-academic or disciplinary reasons

Students are able to check their application status inside the application -  
Sub-term changes (i.e. Fall 1 to Fall 2) are student-initiated and done by the student inside their application. Semester or term changes (i.e. Fall 2 to Spring 1, Fall 2 to Summer 1) are done by requesting the application be moved to a different semester by emailing [email protected]
The school code is always 1975; it takes up to 10-15 business days for test scores to be received from the time they are requested.
  • Go to the Admissions Login screen.
  • Select "First time user account creation".
  • Create a Login ID and Pin (must consist of 6 digits between 0 and 9).
  • For "Application Type", select "Online New Undergraduate".
  • Fill out the application. Complete the application up to the point where it asks you to submit. DO NOT SELECT SUBMIT—If you select submit it will ask you to provide a payment method. Rather, simply stop and close out of the application. This will save your non-processed application and our Admissions Office will go into the system, find it and "hand process" it from that point.
  • Fax (330-941-3228) or scan and email your DD Form 214 to our Office of Veterans Affairs. They will verify your veteran's status and apply the fee waiver.
No, applicants may utilize their personal email prior to admission. Every student is issued a YSU email account upon admission. The first half of the e-mail address is your username to access MyYSU online services in the Penguin Portal. Add "" to the end of your username to complete your email address. Official university communication to instructors and students is sent via YSU e-mail accounts. Official correspondence includes important announcements, news updates and information that applies to the entire campus community.
If a student discloses information regarding an incident that happened when they were under the age of 18, it is the right and responsibility of the University to act on the information provided and render a decision on their admission to the University as part of the Background Verification Review Process.
All communication between the Admission Office and the student regarding the Background Verification Review Process should be clearly documented and entered into the student’s admission file. The Records Office will be notified of the results of the background check process of former students once a review has taken place so they can update their records as well. Letters will be sent through the U.S. mail will be documented. Emails will be retained and sent with return receipt. Phone calls will be documented. When the Office of Student Conduct has rendered a decision, an official letter will be mailed to the student by the Admission Office that explains the status of their admission application. The Background Verification Review Process will be conducted in as timely a manner as possible. Students will be notified if there will not be time to process their application for their intended semester and will be deferred to the next semester, if needed.
Criminal background information will be collected by Admissions according to the following guidelines: Every student who completes an application for admission, or an application for readmission, will have to answer the following questions regarding criminal background:
  • Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty or no contest to, or been found responsible or guilty of a misdemeanor crime (excluding a traffic/minor misdemeanor offense) and/or felony?
  • Are there any criminal charges currently pending against you (excluding a traffic/minor misdemeanor offense)?
  • If you have selected Yes for either question above, please give the approximate date of each incident, explain the circumstances, and reflect on what you learned from the experience.
  • Have you ever been suspended or dismissed from any school for academic reasons?
  • Have you ever been suspended or dismissed from any school for nonacademic reasons?
  • If you have selected Yes for either question above, please give the approximate date of each incident, explain the circumstances, and reflect on what you learned from the experience.
If a student answers “yes” to any question, the following process goes into place:
  • The student’s admission application will continue to be processed as normal but the admission condition will be delayed until a decision is rendered by the Office of Student Conduct.
  • The Admission Office will send an official letter to the student informing them of the Background Verification Review Process and requesting the necessary information to proceed with the process. The document we asked them to fill out is an Admissions Verification and Authorization Form which further asks them about their charges, along with requesting permission to run a background check.
  • The Graduate Admissions Office keeps a record of the students in the review process.
  • Once information is obtained from the student, the information is password protect by a pre-determined password and forwarded to the Associate Director for Student Conduct.
  • The Associate Director for Student Conduct works with YSU Police to obtain arrest reports and/or court documents from the incident.
  • Sometimes law enforcement agencies (especially those that are out of state) will require a release from the student, which is part of the Background Verification Form.
  • The Office of Student Conduct will review all information on each student and render one of the following decisions on each student’s admission application: accept the student unconditionally for admission so long as they are accepted by their academic department, accept the student on a provisional status (the provisions of admissions will be decided by the Office of Student Conduct, in communication with the Vice President for Student Experience), or deny the student admission.
  • The Admission Office notifies the student of the Background Verification Review Process outcome via letter.
  • If the student is found responsible for any violation while under provisional status, their admit status may be terminated and the student may be prevented from enrolling in any further courses.
All new and former applicants shall be required to provide information regarding their criminal history and background information as part of the admissions process on forms provided for that purpose. Failure to disclose criminal history as required, or providing false or misleading information, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
The Office of Admissions is charged with admitting students to the University. Of paramount concern to the University as a whole is the health, welfare and safety of our students, and the protection and preservation of their property. As a component of such, the Admissions Application will inquire as to the existence and nature of disciplinary history and/or criminal background. This policy shall apply, without limitation, to any individual requesting admission to the University. All applicants and former applicants are required to report such information in order to have their application considered complete, and in order to determine their eligibility to be admitted to Youngstown State University
Students receive an official email to both their university and personal email containing their acceptance letter. 

Student Enrollment Services & Registration

Is the University / Program Military Friendly?
  • Youngstown State University (YSU) has been named a Military Friendly School for five consecutive years by G.I. Jobs magazine. YSU established the Office of Veteran Affairs in 2009 to assist YSU students who have served or are currently serving in the armed forces in attaining their educational goals.
  • A new $1.25 million YSU Veterans Resource Center is under construction along Wick Avenue on campus. The 6,000-square-foot, two-story center will help improve and expand services to military veterans and service members transitioning to student life at YSU. For more information, visit
  • YSU's President Jim Tressel discusses world-class attention given to student veterans at YSU.
  • YSU’s Williamson College of Business Administration is among the Best for Vets business schools nationwide.
  • “The Best for Vets: Business Schools is an editorially independent news project that evaluates the many factors that make an institution a good fit for military veterans,” said Amanda Miller, editor of Military Times EDGE magazine. The rankings are published in the March issue of Military Times EDGE.
The Blackboard Orientation is not a requirement for registration. It sits alongside courses to acclimate students to online learning, and there is a registration reminder/module in this orientation.
When paying their bill, students are presented with the option to add Tuition Protection. This protects their tuition for the upcoming term if the student withdraws for a variety of reasons. This is optional and not required of students. For more information, please see: Student Tuition Protection - YSU.jpg
To withdraw from a single course, or from all courses (complete withdrawal), it is necessary to access the registration functions online via the Penguin Portal - Registration. It is the student's responsibility to confirm that the withdrawal was correctly processed, and the course(s) is (are) deleted. Nonattendance of class, or notification to the instructor or department does not constitute official withdrawal. For information about reduction or refund of fees and charges, please contact the Penguin Service Center at 330-941-6000. Withdrawal from a Course Instructions: 1. Sign in to the Penguin Portal via 2. On the left-hand side (under e-Services for Students), Click on Registration. 3. Select the appropriate term; click submit. 4. Click Registration and Change of Registration. 5. Select Web Drop... from drop down menu under Action column for each course. 6. Submit Changes at the bottom of the page. Withdrawal from All Courses Instructions: A student who wishes to withdraw from all courses for a particular term must access the registration system on the Penguin Portal, or come to the Registration Office (Meshel Hall). A complete withdrawal may be executed before classes or after the term starts through the last day to withdraw with a "W." Please consult the academic calendar or the Penguin Portal for deadlines. WARNING: Your withdrawal cannot be completed because your account has a minimum hours restriction which can be from one or more of the following reasons: 1. Sign in to the Penguin Portal via 2. On the left-hand side (under e-Services for Students), Click on Registration. 3. Select the appropriate term; click submit. 4. Click Registration and Change of Registration. 5. Select Web Drop... from drop down menu under Action column for each course. 6. Submit Changes at the bottom of the page. 7. During weeks 3 - 9 of the semester, you will notice this error message:
  • Student who utilizes financial aid: Submit the Complete Withdrawal Exit Survey; Meet with a Financial Aid Counselor as soon as possible; Web-drop classes again after completing the survey and meeting with the counselor
  • Student who does not utilize financial aid: Submit the Complete Withdrawal Exit Survey; Web-drop classes again after completing the survey
  • Student athlete: See athletic academic advisor
8. Click on HERE for the link to the survey. It will bring you to the Answer a Survey page; click on Complete Withdrawal Exit Survey. 9. Answer each question, clicking on Next Question to submit your responses. Once you answer the last question, you will be able to click Survey Complete. You will receive an email that verifies your completion of the survey and reminds you to go back in to the Add or Drop Classes section of the registration system to completely withdraw as soon as possible. 10. Now that your survey is submitted, go back through steps one through six to submit your complete withdrawal. Eligibility for future registrations: 1. A new applicant who withdraws from all courses prior to the first day of the term will not receive notice for future registrations unless the person requests that the Office of Admissions (Sweeny Hall) defer his/her application to a future term. 2. A former YSU student who withdraws from all courses prior to the first day of the term will not receive notice for future registrations unless the person requests that the Record's Office (Jones Hall) defer his/her application to a future term. 3. A current undergraduate student withdrawing on or after the first day of the term will receive notice of future registrations for one academic year. Please note: All notification will take place via the Penguin Portal.

Follow the steps below to register for courses:

  1. Log into the Penguin Portal. Click the "Student Dashboard" card.
  2. Under the Registration heading, click "Register for Classes."
  3. Select the "Register for Classes" tile.
  4. If this is your first time trying to register for the semester, you will receive an "Action Item Processing" pop up box. Select "Continue" to complete your required actions. You may also see an "Enhance your Experience" pop up box; select "Accept."
  5. Financial Obligation Acknowledgement Agreement: Click on the "Financial Obligation Acknowledgement Agreement" box. Read the information that populates and select the "I ACCEPT" checkbox and "Save" button.
  6. Title IV Authorization: Select the "Title IV Authorization" box. Read the information and select the "Confirm" button.
  7. Click the blue "Continue" at the top, right corner to enter the registration system.
  8. Select the appropriate term from the drop-down menu; continue by clicking the "Continue" button. During priority registration, you may be prompted for a pin code below term selection.
  9. If you do not know the CRNs for each course you wish to take, use the basic or advance search on the "Find Classes" tab.
    • Click in the subject box for the drop-down menu of subjects to appear.
    • Choose the subject of the class you are looking up. You may also add the course number if you know it.
    • Then, click the "Search" button.
  10. If you do know the CRNs for each course you wish to take, enter each one on the "Enter CRNs" tab. Then, click the "Add to Summary" button.
  11. A list of all classes offered under that subject will appear. Review from left to right to find the course you need. You will see the title, subject, course number, hours, CRN, the open or closed status, instructor (if listed) and the meeting times for the course. Once you find a course for which you would like to register, click the "Add" button.
  12. A schedule calendar/details and a summary action box will appear at the bottom left of the screen. The course you selected will be listed in the summary box at the bottom right of the screen with a pending status; it will show as tentative on the schedule calendar. To finalize your registration, select the "Add Course" option in the "Action" drop-down box and click the green "Submit" button. Completed course adds will have a status of "Registered". If your action was not completed, you will see an error message indicating what issue needs resolved before registration can be completed.
    • Click "Search Again" to continue to repeat steps 9 and 10 until you have registered for all of the classes you wish to take.
  13. Once you are finished, review the courses listed in your summary box. All courses with a status of registered have successfully saved. Verify the total credit hours for which you are registered at the bottom of the summary box.
Official Transcript Information: Unofficial Transcript Information: Students may view their academic transcripts at anytime in the MyYSU Portal. If there are any outstanding financial holds on a student account, the student will not be able to view the transcript. For more information regarding holds, contact the Student One Stop by phone at (330) 941-6000 or by email [email protected].
  1. Log in to the MyYSU Portal.
  2. On the left-hand side, under e-Services for Students, click Student Records.
  3. Click View Academic Transcript. In addition, click View Holds on this screen to see the student status.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Print a copy of your unofficial transcript to keep for personal records.
On occasion, a student voluntarily withdrawing from the University may need a letter stating the conditions of his/her withdrawal. If a statement of honorable withdrawal is needed, the dean of the appropriate college or other appropriate offices (i.e., University Discipline Officer) will furnish one, provided the student is of good character, has a satisfactory record of conduct, has no financial obligations to the University, and is withdrawing voluntarily for acceptable reasons; and provided that the student, if withdrawing during a term, follows the official procedure for a change of registration.
1. A new applicant who withdraws from all courses prior to the first day of the term will not receive notice for future registrations unless the person requests that the Office of Admissions (Sweeny Hall) defer his/her application to a future term. 2. A former YSU student who withdraws from all courses prior to the first day of the term will not receive notice for future registrations unless the person requests that the Record's Office (Jones Hall) defer his/her application to a future term. 3. A current undergraduate student withdrawing on or after the first day of the term will receive notice of future registrations for one academic year. Please note: All notification will take place via the PenguinPortal.
A student who wishes to withdraw from all courses for a particular term must access the registration system on the PenguinPortal, or come to the Registration Office (Meshel Hall). A complete withdrawal may be executed before classes or after the term starts through the last day to withdraw with a "W." Please consult the academic calendar or the PenguinPortal for deadlines. 1. Sign in to the PenguinPortal via 2. On the left-hand side (under e-Services for Students), Click on Registration. 3. Select the appropriate term; click submit. 4. Click Registration and Change of Registration. 5. Select Web Drop... from drop down menu under Action column for each course. 6. Submit Changes at the bottom of the page. 7. During weeks 3 - 9 of the semester, you will notice this error message: WARNING: Your withdrawal cannot be completed because your account has a minimum hours restriction which can be from one or more of the following reasons: · Student who utilizes financial aid: Submit the Complete Withdrawal Exit Survey; Meet with a Financial Aid Counselor as soon as possible; Web-drop classes again after completing the survey and meeting with the counselor · Student who does not utilize financial aid: Submit the Complete Withdrawal Exit Survey; Web-drop classes again after completing the survey · Student athlete: See athletic academic advisor 8. Click on HERE for the link to the survey. It will bring you to the Answer a Survey page; click on Complete Withdrawal Exit Survey. 9. Answer each question, clicking on Next Question to submit your responses. Once you answer the last question, you will be able to click Survey Complete. You will receive an email that verifies your completion of the survey and reminds you to go back in to the Add or Drop Classes section of the registration system to completely withdraw as soon as possible. 10. Now that your survey is submitted, go back through steps one through six to submit your complete withdrawal.
If a student needs a letter from YSU verifying their enrollment (usually for their employer for tuition assistance), please have them visit:
The Blackboard Orientation is not a requirement for registration. It sits alongside courses to acclimate students to online learning, and there is a registration reminder/module in this orientation.

Financial Aid

All YSU applicants for admission, or current students, seeking financial assistance through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should apply no later than December 1 for new students and February 15 for continuing students. Students interested in applying for institutional grants and scholarships should adhere to those individual deadlines as noted on their respective applications. For maximum consideration, both new and continuing students are encouraged to meet priority deadlines in applying for financial aid. The general eligibility requirements for Federal Aid include that a student be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program and demonstrate financial need (derived from the FAFSA). Students planning on securing student loans must be enrolled at least half-time to be eligible for funding. Aid is available for part-time students, though the amount of part-time aid and the types of aid available vary. Be sure to file the FAFSA by December 1 for new students and February 15 for continuing students for maximum consideration. It is also recommended to check directly with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to discuss how part-time attendance can ultimately affect a student’s overall financial aid eligibility.
1. Your Financial Aid award offer will be issued when FAFSA is complete. 2. Accept your financial aid package via the Penguin Portal. 3. Accept your aid
Full-time Status: A full-time student is one carrying twelve or more semester hours for credit. This is also equated to six hours or more session hours for credit, if only registered in the second session. Half-time Status: A half-time student is one carrying six semester hours for credit. This is also equated to three hours or more session hours for credit, if only registered in the second session.
Follow the instructions included with your financial aid offer to accept the awards. Students must login to their Penguin Portal account to view and accept their aid. New students will receive their Y Number and initial password with their admission information. The financial aid award offer lists student loan eligibility, however, students/parents planning on obtaining federal educational loans must meet the guidelines listed on the financial aid award offer and our web site (Federal Entrance Counseling and signing a Master Promissory Note are required steps).
Students who have submitted their FAFSA, and who are not selected for verification, may be able to start their course(s) if their financial aid is in process, but has not yet disbursed. Students who have financial aid in progress will be omitted from the Drop for Non Pay list generated by the Bursar's Office.
The general eligibility requirements for Federal Aid include that a student be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program and demonstrate financial need (derived from the FAFSA). Students planning on securing student loans must be enrolled at least half-time to be eligible for funding.
The “How to Accept Your Financial Aid Award Offer” tutorial video provides step-by-step instructions for YSU students on how to accept their financial aid award offer through the Penguin portal.
The first step in applying for Federal Financial Aid for both new and continuing YSU students is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Below is a list of tips and resources to assist with completing the FAFSA:
  • Create an FSA ID which will consist of a Username and Password (FSA ID site)
  • Have both the student’s and family’s (if applicable) tax information and W2’s available
  • Complete the FAFSA
  • Answer “Yes” to IRS Data Retrieval
    • Unable to utilize the IRS Data Retrieval Tool? Request an IRS Tax Transcript
    • Student and/or parent(s) may also be able to submit a signed copy of tax form 1040 in lieu of the IRS Tax Return Transcript.
  • List YSU's school code: 003145
For a more detailed step-by-step guide to completing the financial aid application process, see the How to Apply page for further instruction. Individual assistance is also available, by appointment, with a financial aid counselor by contacting our appointment line. Watch the Department of Education's How to Fill Out the FAFSA. Please note that the Financial Aid Award Year for the administration of Title IV Aid consists of Summer, Fall and Spring semesters with the Summer semester leading the packaging cycle. Financial aid that has been awarded cannot be released until 10 days before the start of each term.
All YSU applicants for admission, or current students, seeking financial assistance through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should apply no later than December 1 for new students and February 15 for continuing students. Given that YSU requires payment due in full prior to the beginning of classes, and does not allow for payment plans, students are encouraged to apply for Financial Aid well in advance of their intended term.


You can purchase your textbooks here:
Required books will be on your syllabus. Below are the steps to print your booklist after you have registered: This should be included with classes as you register and contact the Barnes and Noble Bookstore on the YSU campus or order or other textbook sources. How to print booklist:
  •  YSU portal:
  • Click on Penguin portal and login
  • Click on Banner Self Service
  • Click on Student
  • Click on Registration
  • Select your term, submit
  • Click on Student Summary Schedule and PRINT YOUR BOOKLIST
  • This will take you directly to Barnes and Noble site and you can order from here or just get the names of your books and buy or rent elsewhere. YSU Bookstore phone: 330.318.3331

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

PLA is Credit for prior learning, a term for various methods that colleges, universities, and other education or training providers use to evaluate learning that has occurred outside of the traditional academic environment. It is used to grant college credit, certification, or advanced standing toward further education or training.
Students can earn credit for prior learning by demonstrating college-level knowledge they gained outside the classroom. Working with Youngstown State University, students can earn credit through documented trainings and certifications, department challenge exams, experience gained on the job, etc. Need more detail on how students can get college credit for knowledge acquired outside college? Please contact: Kimberly J. Verdone Degree Audit Manager, Prior Learning Assessment E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 330.941.1518

Transfer Policy

Youngstown State recognizes that your journey to this point may not be a straight path. You may have credits from other institutions, along with certifications and experience that also may qualify for earned credits. Upon admission, Youngstown State’s advisors will work with you to maximize your credits earned to shorten the path to earning your degree. Using Transferology will help you better understand how your courses may transfer over to your YSU degree. Learning also occurs outside of the classroom, and YSU utilizes Prior Learning Assessment to help award course credit for college-level learning in those non-traditional educational learning situations.
Yes! Veterans and active duty/reserve military personnel will receive college credit for their military training, which includes (but not limited to) credit for basic training, military courses and military occupations among others. YSU also accepts DSST Standardized Subject Test (formerly DANTES) and Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPT). For individuals who were in the Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Navy please request your military transcripts at the Joint Services Transcript website. For individuals who were in the Air Force please request your Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcripts online. Some training may also be awarded through the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process. The JST will show what credits a student has earned due to being recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE). If you have other questions related to your veteran status, please contact the Office of Veterans Affairs at 330-941-2503, or [email protected], or visit the website.


1. Login to Penguin Portal from the YSU homepage. 2. Select “Student Records” under e-Services for Students. 3. Click on “Apply to Graduate”. 4. If you are a graduate student you will be asked about the submission of a thesis or dissertation. 5. If you have been cleared to apply for graduation you will be instructed to select a curriculum term. 6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Term Selection”, then select your term. 7. Click on the radio button to approve your current program. 8. Choose your graduation date from the drop down box . 9. Choose the appropriate button regarding whether you will attend the commencement ceremony. 10. Enter your cap and gown information. 11. Enter your current email and phone number. 12. Enter the name you want on your diploma, it must be your legal name and on file with the YSU Records Office. 13. Select an address to mail your diploma. 14. Select the graduation fee from the drop down box. 15. Verify your information and submit the request. 16. Provide payment information. 17. Finally select continue to submit and process your application for graduation. 18. You will receive a message on the screen that indicates your graduation application has been submitted. Please print out this confirmation page for your records until after you have received your diploma.
Yes, you have to pay the graduate fee of $65 in order to receive a diploma, even if you are not attending commencement.


Penguin Portal is Youngstown State University's campus portal. The portal offers students, faculty, and staff secure and personalized access to Office 365 email, Self-Service Banner, and channels of information. Students are able to register for classes, check their grades, pay their bill, access Blackboard, and purchase their parking permit. To log in and use the system effectively, YSU recommends one of the following Internet browsers: Internet Explorer 8 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 10.x or higher, Google Chrome 17.x or higher, and Safari 5 or higher. If you attempt to log in to the system using another browser, you may experience difficulties. If you have any pop-up blockers installed, they may need to be configured to allow or *; otherwise, you may not be taken to the proper page. Currently, the system is set to time out after approximately thirty minutes of inactivity for students. However, it is a good idea to log out of the Penguin Portal Portal system if you leave your area or are not using the system. Penguin Portal puts everything at your fingertips!  Class registration, financial aid, student grades/transcripts, and bill payment are all accessible from the Penguin Portal portal. After successful Penguin Portal account login, links for all of these functions can be found on the left side of the screen in the “E-Services” area.
A Penguin Portal account is automatically created when you are accepted as a student or hired as a Faculty or Staff member. Your account is created when you become a member of one of these groups. Your account ID/user name is personalized to be your first initial, middle initial and full last name (truncated to be no longer than 32 characters). Duplicate account ID/user names are distinguished by suffixing a two-digit number to the account id/user name. An example account ID for the first repeat of the account ‘ptpenguin’ would be ‘ptpenguin01’. The account ID is provided on the acceptance letter (Students). Questions regarding YSU E-Mail, accessing Penguin Portal over the Web, your directory account, or configuring various YSU services are addressed in Self-Help Documents available at the YSU IT Service Desk . You can also stop by the IT Service Desk on the 4th Floor of Maag Library (hours of operation are available at the YSU IT Service Desk website, e-mail the IT Service Desk at [email protected] , or contact them by phone at 330-941-1595.)
Your account must be activated prior to your first login by following the steps below. Please Note: Users without a SSN and users who have -guest accounts must contact the YSU Tech Desk to set up their account!
  1. Go to
  2. Click on Activate New Account
  3. Perform the verification step and click Verify
  4. Enter your Login ID (User Name), Banner “Y” IDLast 4 digits of SSN, and Date of Birth (in YYYYMMDD format) into the respective fields and click Activate
  5. Click Continue to move onto the next step
  6. Enter a password for your account into the New Password and Confirm Password fields and click Change Password
  7. The password should follow all guidelines presented on the page
  8. Create the three required security questions and click Save Responses
  9. Click Continue to finish the activation process
Once your account is set up, you can log into to your Penguin Portal Account  with the Secure Access Login on the left or at the YSU home page with the “Penguin Portal Login” dialog on the top right of the page.
A Penguin Portal account is automatically created when you are accepted as a student or hired as a Faculty or Staff member. Your account is created when you become a member of one of these groups. Your account ID/user name is personalized to be your first initial, middle initial and full last name (truncated to be no longer than 32 characters). Duplicate account ID/user names are distinguished by suffixing a two-digit number to the account id/user name. An example account ID for the first repeat of the account ‘ptpenguin’ would be ‘ptpenguin01’. The account ID is provided on the acceptance letter (Students) or employee paperwork (Faculty or Staff). Questions regarding YSU E-Mail, accessing Penguin Portal over the Web, your directory account, or configuring various YSU services are addressed in Self-Help Documents available at the YSU IT Service Desk website. You can also stop by the Tech Desk on the 4th Floor of Maag Library (hours of operation are available at the YSU IT Service Desk website, e-mail the IT Service Desk at [email protected] or contact them by phone at 330-941-1595.) Your account must be activated prior to your first login by following the steps below. Please Note: Users without a SSN and users who have -guest accounts must contact the YSU Tech Desk to set up their account!
  1. Go to
  2. Click on Activate New Account
  3. Perform the verification step and click Verify
  4. Enter your Login ID (User Name), Banner “Y” IDLast 4 digits of SSN, and Date of Birth (in YYYYMMDD format) into the respective fields and click Activate
  5. Click Continue to move onto the next step
  6. Enter a password for your account into the New Password and Confirm Password fields and click Change Password
    1. The password should follow all guidelines presented on the page
  7. Create the three required security questions and click Save Responses
  8. Click Continue to finish the activation process
Once your account is set up, you can log into to your Penguin Portal Account with the Secure Access Login on the left or at the YSU home page with the “Penguin Portal Login” dialog on the top right of the page.
Technology Support is available through the IT Service Desk at [email protected] or 330-941-1595

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Submit the form below, and a representative will contact you to answer any questions.


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Or call 877-513-0093

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Start your application today!
or call 877-513-0093 877-513-0093
for help with any questions you may have.
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